Mechanical & Electrical Cost Management

With services now forming a larger part of any cost budget McLeod and Aitken has developed a new section of their business to address the need of controlling these costs. Historically the setting of budgets and financial control has sat with designers which does not always offer the best and most auditable route. For us to be able to assist, challenge, value engineer and tender these costs having a full knowledge of the complexities of the design aids the scheme as a whole.

In addition to designed installations we are also able to assist in the procurement of large plant items. This would include agreeing equipment specifications to suit Client requirements, assessment of whole life costing and suitability of product and management of competitive tendering.

McLeod + Aitken assist in the procurement of large plant items.


If you have any enquiries or want to start your project with us, please fill out the form on the Contact Page and we will get back to you very soon!